


Tricomin Spray銅胜肽頭皮養髮液刺激頭髮生長的安全選擇

1970年科學家從人體內的血清分離出了一組銅鍵結胺基酸(銅蛋白、銅胜肽),其後將銅胜肽應用在人體組織的修護、抗老化及促進頭髮生長等,並於美國皮膚科醫學會發表報告,已證實銅胜肽copper-peptide能進入皮膚真皮層而發揮效果。銅氨基酸於 1984 年第一次應用於植髮上,植髮後需要 10-14 週才可以看到頭髮生長的情況,在使用銅蛋白之後,在 6 週就可以看到效果,且對於延長頭髮生長期及受損頭皮皆有修護效果。

Tricomin Spray銅鏈結氨基酸之特色如下:

·  growth stimulating增加頭皮密度,得以強化毛囊,開創利於頭髮生長環境 
·Melanin production 減少黑色素製造量
·Scavenging of damaging free radicals(SOD) 抗氧化
· Energy metabolism能代謝
· Crosslinking of collagen and elastin連結collagen and elastin(保持頭皮細緻健康最主要的兩種成分)
·Inhibition of 5-alpha reductase 抑制5-alpha還原脢
· 經過動物測試,對人體不會產生過敏性


ProCyte主要運用銅蛋白在皮膚修護、植髮後等的相關皮膚產品,而後發表以Tricomin系列產品,Tricomin Spray含有銅鍵結胺基酸,滋養頭髮與頭皮,美國專利 USA Pat No 5538945,5177061,5120831,通過到FDA phase II study


 USA PATENNS 5538945
Peptide-copper complexes are disclosed which stimulate the growth of hair on warm-blooded animals. In one aspect of this invention, the peptide-copper complexes are dipeptides or tripeptides chelated to copper at a molar ratio ranging from about 1:1 to 3:1, with the second position of the peptide from the amino terminus being histidine, arginine or a derivative thereof. The peptide-copper complexes may be formulated for administration by, for example, topical application or injection. Any affliction associate with hair loss, including hair loss associated with both androgenetic and secondary alopecia, may be treated with the peptide-copper complexes of this invention. 

Methods and compositions for (a) stimulating the growth of hair in warm-blooded animals, (b) increasing subcutaneous fat in warm-blooded animals, and (c) increasing the density of hair follicles in warm-blooded animals are disclosed. The methods utilize an effective amount of a composition comprising a derivative of GHL-Cu.

There is provided metal-peptide compositions for use as stimulating agents for hair growth in warm-blooded animals. Methods for stimulating the growth of hair in warm-blooded animals are also disclosed. The methods utilize a stimulating effective amount of the metal-petide composition or a pharmaceutical preparation containing the metal-peptide composition.

Help Loss Help.com對於
Tricomin的介紹hairlosshelp.com is a consumer guide to hair loss and hair transplants and other baldness remedies

Tricomin is a copper-peptide spray that delivers a specific copper/peptide molecule to the hair follicle stimulating its growth. Copper ion complexed with certain peptides (proteins) are known to have both skin repair and hair growth enhancement effects.

What it is
Tricomin is a blue liquid spray that contains a patented copper-peptide molecule (Alanine/Histidine/Lysine Polypeptide Copper HCl), a molecule that has been formed by bonding copper ions to protein molecules. Developed by ProCyte Corporation, a publicly-held healthcare company specializing in copper peptide technology, Tricomin had its origins in a wound healing product. Researchers noticed that animals being treated with a copper peptide wound healing product were having their hair growth stimulated. This discovery led to the company to develop the Tricomin product as a specific hair growth product.

How it works
Studies have demonstrated the positive effects of Tricomin’s Triamino Copper Nutritional Complex on hair follicles. During the anagen (growth) phase, the base of the hair follicle (dermal papilla) is richly endowed with substances such as collagen and various proteins. These substances are virtually absent during the resting phase. Copper has been shown to stimulate the cells responsible for production of these substances. Tricomin works by targeting the delivery of copper to the base of the follicle.
In addition to the hair growth stimulating effect there is also evidence that Copper is linked to these important biological processes critical to the health of your skin and hair:

  • Melanin production (pigmentation)

  • Energy metabolism

  • Scavenging of damaging free radicals (SOD)

  • Crosslinking of collagen and elastin

  • Inhibition of 5-alpha reductase (the enzyme that reduces testosterone to DHT its active metabolite reponsible for androgenetic alopecia)

What to expect
Tricomin was originally intended to be approved as a hair growth product by the FDA. The company did successfully complete the FDA Phase II trial, but due to financial constraints decided to not continue to Phase III which would have cost several hundred million dollars. The company instead decided make the product available as a cosmetic product thereby eliminating the need for further FDA trials, but this means they are unable to make any claims that the product regrows hair. However we do know that from the Phase II results that the subjects in the trial did grow a similar amount of
hair to those who were tested in the 2% Rogaine trials. 


These unretouched photos show before and after shots of subjects in the Tricomin clinical trials

   關於Tricomin(一)品牌簡介 @董哥的家 iwanthair's blog  

Side effects

Tricomin is a very well tolerated product with no known side effects. It is non-irritating and can safely be used by men, women and children. Since copper is a nutrient required by the body, Tricomin does not contain any drugs that could cause harmful side-effects. It is well suited for any type of hair loss

Best Results
Tricomin works well on its own for treating fine or thinning hair, but in people who suffer from Androgenic Alopecia, Tricomin works best to compliment other therapies like Propecia or Rogaine. Think of Tricomin as nutrition for the follicle and that is what it does best, it also helps soothe an irritated scalp. Tricomin is also an alterative treatment for people who dont want to use a drug treatment like Rogaine.

How to use it
The company recommends using it at least twice a day. If you are using Rogaine or another topical its best to wait a few hours between applications since mixing the Tricomin with other products can cause the scalp to turn a greenish color, this is not permanent and washes out. Tricomin is simply sprayed onto the scalp in the thinning areas twice a day.

There are also shampoo and conditioning products available to complement the spray. These products do contain a small amount of the copper peptide but not in significant amounts and they are not recommend as a replacement to the spray but as an addition. For added value the spray and shampoos are available together, the Tricopack 1 consists of the Tricomin Spray, shampoo and conditioner and retails for about $76, the Tricopack 2 consists of the Tricomin Spray and a shampoo/conditioner in one and retails for around $59.00.

As with all hair loss products Tricomin needs to be used regularly to maintain the results, but it is a good option for people who dont want a drug-based product but do want a product that has some science behind it. It is also ideal for people who have had results but want to add another product to their existing treatment program.



  1. 董哥你好
    在選擇SCRPs產品時考慮到效果及清爽度應該是tricomin spray 較OK但查其成份
    是買了hair signals
    版主回覆:(11/09/2011 02:06:17 AM)

  2. 請問女性雄性禿用了差不多半年thymus kin , 雖見有些毛髪生長,用後有改善掉髮但半年後掉髪又開始增多至六十至七十每次洗髮,相信是dht影響,所以請問可加那一非葯性產品呢?但我仍想繼續用thymus kin的洗髪精,tricomin 還是revivogen 呢?或還有什麼選擇?如選reviogen 我看過有文章說初六個月掉髮相當利害,要第七個月才穩定下來是真的嗎?此產品說可回復三年前的髮量是真的嗎?sorry 問了那麼多但希望能續一解答,謝謝!
    版主回覆:(03/06/2014 07:00:56 PM)

  3. 您好:
    五個月前因為購買I-grow雷射帽,便停止了醫生開的minoxidil 5%生髮水,發現前額兩側與頭頂掉髮更嚴重(尤其前額兩側,剩下細毛不置於到皮膚光亮),明顯髮線倒退,約莫雄性禿第二期。看了您的部落格才矯正我對生髮的概念,所以上禮拜我又開始回診拿當初以為漸漸失效的5%生髮水。
    版主回覆:(05/13/2016 05:48:33 PM)
    根據您的需求,您可以先考慮銅胜肽的產品,搭配上就比較簡單了喔! 這也是循序漸進的。

  4. 可以在給我微針滾輪的代購資料嗎
    版主回覆:(05/13/2016 05:49:08 PM)

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