研究主題 |
研究結果 |
研究出處 |
使用銅胜肽類似物對毛囊尺寸與頭髮生長的影響 |
對銅胜肽與頭髮生長的關連性研究,進行設計與測試。在老鼠身上進行研究,各種銅胜肽相似物可増大毛囊尺寸與刺激頭髮生長 |
US Patent 5,120,831 New metal peptide complexes and derivatives used for stimulating growth of hair in warm-blooded animals, especially humans. Pickart US Patent 5,177,061 Compositions for stimulating hair growth containing cupric complexes of peptide derivatives including. glycyl-l-histidyl-l-lysine n-octyl ester. Pickart US Patent 5,214,032 New glycyl-histidyl-lysyl copper compounds used in stimulating hair growth. Pickart US 5,550,183 Metal-peptide compositions and methods for stimulating hair growth. Pickart |
在老鼠身上進行頭髮生長的研究 |
發現銅胜肽相似物可以刺激頭髮生長 |
The hair follicle stimulating properties of peptide copper complexes. Results in C3H mice. Fors, Pickart and Uno Ann N Y Acad Sci 1991 26;642:468-9 |
在老鼠身上進行頭髮生長的研究 |
經由自動數位影像計數、微形態計量研究、毛囊細胞的DNA合成率所得到的數據,獲得銅胜肽可刺激毛囊細胞增殖、增大生長期毛囊尺寸從細毛至粗毛等結果 |
Chemical agents and peptides affect hair growth. Uno and Kurata (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA) J Invest Dermatol 1993 101(1 Suppl):143S-147S |
對人類頭髮生長的影響 |
銅胜肽相似物可刺激人類頭髮生長 |
Phototrichogram Analysis of Hair Follicle Stimulation: A pilot clinical study with a peptide-copper complex. Patt, Duncan and Kalis (University of Reims, France) Dermatological Research Techniques, (CRC Press), pp-217-226, 1996 |
對老鼠毛髮生長的影響 |
銅胜肽相似物可刺激老屬毛髮生長 |
Quantitative Assessment of Peptide-Copper Complex Induced Hair Follicle Stimulation Using the Fuzzy Rat, Uno, Packard, Patt (University of Wisconsin) Dermatological Research Techniques, (CRC Press), pp-227-239, 1996 |
對老鼠毛髮生長的影響 |
銅胜肽相似物可刺激老鼠毛髮生長 |
Evaluation of Telogen Hair Follicle Stimulation Using an In Vivo Model: Results with Peptide Copper Complexes. Timpe, Dumwiddie, Patt (Procyte Corp.) Dermatological Research Techniques, (CRC Press), pp-241-254, 1996 |
銅胜肽相似物對人類頭髮生長的研究 |
以三個的時間,比較Tricomin 與2%minoxidil。 Tricomin 2.5% 增加97株的頭髮量(非細毛) ;2% minoxidil增加37株的頭髮量(非細毛) |
Procyte Corp. press release 1997 |
以抗崩解、長效型銅胜肽來刺激頭髮生長 |
在老鼠身上,得到更多頭髮生長的效果 |
Pickart US Patent 5,554,375 Tissue protective and regenerative compositions. |
銅胜肽相對人類毛囊的相關研究 |
AHK-Cu (Tricomin的主要成分)可以增加毛囊細胞的生長,同時減少程序性細胞的死亡(亦稱Apoptosis,是一種細胞受環境刺激後,在基因調控之下所產生的自然死亡現象) |
Pyo HK, Yoo HG, Won CH, Lee SH, Kang YJ, Eun HC, Cho KH, Kim KH, The effect of tripeptide-copper complex on human hair growth, Arch Pharm Res 2007, vol 7, 834-839. |
植髮手術 |
研究銅胜肽相似物(Graftcyte)對植髮手術的影響。植髮術後見到頭髮生長的時間從一般需要的10~14週減少為6週;傷口的減少從10~14天,減少到五天。銅胜肽增加了植髮術後頭髮生長的速度 |
Perez-Meza et al, (International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery (Vol. 6, 1998, pp 80-84) |
植髮手術 |
30位植髮手術患者,發現銅胜肽減少術後掉髮率從生理食鹽水的30%減少到到10%。傷口癒合時間縮減一半。 再生新的頭髮移植發生在6至8週生理鹽水和4至6週與志基治益銅模擬。 植髮術後滿意度提升到80%至95% |
Hitzig,G. Enhanced healing and growth in hair transplantation using copper peptides, Cosmetic Dermatol 2000 June ; 13, 18-21 18 |
By iwanthair’s blog
以上資料來源,編譯自Dr. Loren Pickart 的Skin Biology